
Same Look, New Story

It seems very appropriate that I share something interesting I received in my inbox from the kind folks of The Ford Institute. Of the dozen new year's resolutions I came across lately, this one is very inspiring!

The Vow
My life is worth a billion blessings to all those I meet on my journey. I am the heaven and all that exists in the sky above. I am the vastness of my greatest thought and the infinite power that sources and sustains the entire universe. On this day, I will remember who I am, what I am here for and why I chose the experiences that have come into my path this past year. Today, I promise to leave the smallness of my darkest thoughts and melt with open arms into the never-ending, all-powerful love of my highest self. Today, I surrender into the open arms of 2014, allowing each day of the upcoming year to surprise, comfort and nourish my soul's deepest desires. I vow to return to the spark of the divine and use my power to light up the world. This year, I will give to others what I want back for myself. If I want love, I will find ways to love each and every person I come across. If I want peace, I will think peaceful thoughts, say peaceful words and pray for peace for all those who are living in chaos, including myself. If I want success, I will work diligently to help those around me succeed. I will stay focused, do my absolute best and seek excellence in everything I do. If I want respect, I will begin by respecting life and all that comes with it. I will respect those around me and those who work hard to make this planet a better place. I will respect the earth, my body, my past and the gifts that I hold and I will surrender judgment for reverence. In 2014, I trust that what I give to the world will be given back to me.

- Debbie Ford 

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